Saturday, March 8, 2014

SnapIt! (iLight Marina Bay 2014)

Again, Marina Bay Singapore has changed. This time, it has changed to a light art festival. Yearly festival which was started in 2010 features 28 creative and unique light installations along the Marina Bay. The installations were divided into 2 routes, A and B.

We explored the route A yesterday, it was quite fun especially for family and kids to play. Photography in such low light condition and many people around is never easy. Moreover, I am using a non-IS lens and not able to perform well in low light. Noise performance of 700D is not as good as Canon high end camera such as 5DIII. Hence, I was taking most photos using my iPhone. But when I came across beautiful lights on the water, I thought of making it as my foreground. But what will be the background? The lights from the office buildings could make a great background. But some of the towers are too high. Although I am using ultra wide angle 10-22mm lense, some of those buildings are still cropped out. The main object I wanted in the shot is the lights on the water. Hence, I scarified some of the buildings and go for the foreground light. This time I broke the rule of 1/3, and the image still looks decent. Post-processing was done in Camera Raw to bring up shadows, correction of lens distortion, chromatic aberration, contrast adjustments, and proper cropping. Here's the result. Enjoy!

Moving further down to the end of route A, we noticed the symbolic ArtScience Museum is featuring artistic light painting which is unique. I found a good spot where I was able to view the light painting as a whole with the museum front door and a bit of lotus pond in the foreground. Here's the result. Enjoy!!

After this shot, we move to other locations to have a different point of view feel. I noticed a couple sitting next to the lotus pond with the ArtScience Museum in the background. The view gives the feel of love. Although, I doubt they were looking at the art piece. Yes, I still like the shot. :) So, I will still post it here. I have to waited for 10 minutes for a few guys sitting to their left to leave before I could frame this shot. So, enjoy!!


That is all for the updates.
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