It was my 3rd morning there in the past 1 month. I always wanted to capture beautiful sunrise there. However, due to unpredictable weather, I always came back with "nothing". Well, it is not exactly nothing. I always came back with other type of shots which I am happy with.
First morning I was there, I was greeted with passing rain with large rain cloud in the sky. Here's the result.
Although there is no sunrise, I love this shot very much. The situation forced me to get most out of it. The light trails from the MRT, leading line from the wooden jetty, star burst from the street lights and the rain clouds all come together as one pleasing composition. Definitely one of my favourites photo so far.
Not happy with the results, I went back there again. This time, there was no rain. But... Yes, it was cloudy. I have taken the shot at the fishing jetty from my previous visit. So this time I skipped that and went straight to the other location. I met a young fellow photographer who had arrived there much earlier. As morning blue hour is short, I quickly set up my gear and started shooting. It was so dark that even with viewfinder, it was so difficult to focus. Finally, I managed to get a few test shots and adjusted the composition. Here's the result.
Best time to shoot in the early morning is about 10-15 minutes before the sun rose. You will find the sky is blue with red glow on the horizon. With your naked eyes, the red glow is not prominent. However, you will see a big different if let your camera exposed for longer time. The above shot was a 30s exposure shot. The cloud moved during the 30s and created a nice smooth effect. As the sun rose higher above the horizon, part of the sky will lose its blue colour.
I went back again for the 3rd time. This time, it was partially cloudy. The light was beautiful. I arrived there earlier and managed to take few shots. One of them is when the sky was still pretty much blue.
The water water was calm. No wind blowing. That's why the boats looks sharp and not blurry. My tripod was set up very low and close to the subject. Be careful when going to this place. There were lots of leeches and mosquitoes. Bring your bug sprays!!
When the sun rose higher, you would see the horizon glowing red. And the part of the sky where the sun would appear turned white. In this case, it was to the far left on the above photo. The clouds turned magenta red. This would not last long. As soon as the sun appeared above the horizon, your shutter speed should be faster to avoid blown up sky. I used my GND filter covering the top left corner of the frame which helped to bring back the details of the sky. Here's the result. As the sun rose higher, the sky lost the colour saturation. So for this type of shot, please take the photo as quickly as possible before the sun is too high. Here's the result!!
I will definitely come back sometime at the end of the year when the sun will appear in the middle of the frame. That would make an interesting shot. For the time being, I am pretty much done with this place.
My long term sunrise/sunset project update for the month of July 2014 was published. I would not be posting any photos till end of this month. Stay tune for more updates!! Next we are heading to beaches.
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